Hi Anita,
I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are trying to do. In any case, I
would try to avoid using the Symbol font, myself.
As you see in your posts here in the newsgroup, the Unicode characters
appear pretty fine...
<w:t> ∈</w:t> Not so for the Symbol font...
<w:t> </w:t>
In Word, those old "decorative" fonts are notoriously difficult to deal
For example, Word usually won't show the font that really is applied
("Symbol") at all, since changing that font would destroy the symbol.
If you're creating XML files, I'd try to stick with Unicode in the text
(<w:t>...</w:t> without specifying a font), and would try to define the
fonts you want to use in the style definition, say:
<w:style w:type="paragraph" w:default="on"
w:styleId="myStyle">[...]<w:rPr><w:rFonts w:ascii="Calibri" w:h-ansi="Arial
Unicode MS"/>
As far as I know, with the above definition Word should use "Calibri" for
characters that are available in the Calibri font, and switch to "Arial
Unicode MS" for all that aren't.
I've not looked deeply into the documentation, nor experimented much with
it, though.
Is there a way by which Word can itself determine the font to use by
at symbol?
In the user interface, if you insert some "exotic" Unicode character which
isn't available in the current font, Word does try to change the font
automatically to some font that contains it.
But the font that is chosen seems pretty random, unless specific fonts (say
for Thai text...) have already been defined in the style. If you leave it up
to Word, you usually end up with lots and lots of large fonts like "MS
Gothic", "Sim Sun", "Batang"... being applied haphazardly (as "manual"
With the right style definitions (see above), Word should use the "proper"
font as defined in the style for Western text, Asian text, RTL text
(Arab/Hebrew), ..., depending on the languages you type in.
But in my experience, that system does not work terribly well for
mathematical symbols and other stuff without an associated language (say
phonetics, with the characters that are used in IPA phonetics coming from
many different Unicode blocks).
Also, how do I determine, the font to be used for a symbol?
For a rough idea of what font contains what characters, see Alan Wood's
Unicode Ressources:
Many fonts, though, contain only parts of certain Unicode blocks, and I
don't know how to determine whether a certain character exists in a certain
font from VBA. There's probably some API call that could deliver that