How to filter list if hyperlink happen



I have a list of employees Names and IDs. All IDs are linked to another
sheet that it has courses of employees. I am using the following formula and
it works grate. What is happen if linked happen , it takes me to the first
cell of employee ID that is matched and other IDs also shown. What I want to
do if link happened, only the employee ID shown in Sheet of Course only,
other IDs of employees to be hidden. How to do that?
This is the formula that I am using:
=HYPERLINK("#"&CELL("address",INDIRECT("'"& E4 &"'!c4")),D4)

Gary''s Student

Combine AutoFiltering with your table. Once you have jumped using the
hyperlink, use AutoFilter to hide the unwanted rows.


Thank you Gary, would you please explain more?

Gary''s Student said:
Combine AutoFiltering with your table. Once you have jumped using the
hyperlink, use AutoFilter to hide the unwanted rows.

Gary''s Student

Sure, say we hyperlinked to John Cabral's first record:

ID31416 Cabral, John <lots more data>

We then click on the top of the ID column and select ID31416. Then only
Cabral's records would be visible.

Gary''s Student

Before you do any hyperlink, click on the table column header cell ( say A1)
and pull-down:

Data > Filter > Autofilter


yes , I see it!!! I click on it after that the header is filter and i but the
hyper link but does not work??

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