How to filter Report



I have one set of data in one table (400 + line items)
The data is product information broken into several general areas along with
several specific engineering properties for each product.
I have created a report that contains a lot of generic information along
with the unique values from the table that updates per page (one page per
400+ line items) of the report.
I want to be able to sort the report pages by specific product allowing
customers to choose from the general product labels (each a column in the
I do not want to use the filter options, this needs to be drop down menus.
Any idea where I need to start? Forms or Queries? Neither?


If you are reporting the same data items each time but only changing the sort
order, the only thing you are changing is the query's ORDER BY CLAUSE.
So you need to determine how many columns you need to sort by and have that
many combo boxes on a form. Each combo box list all your columns and each
combop box represents a level of sorting 1 thru n.
Then you have a command button that kicks off the report. This invokes some
code that builds the query for your report based on the combo box selections.
It then opens the report.
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".

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