How to find a specified CommandBar?


Hurry Wood

I add a "Custom" CommandBar to MS Word as permanence. I want to find and get
that CommandBar when MS Word startup next time. I mean I dont want to add
that CommandBar every time MS Word startup. But I cannt find any method just
as "xxx.Find", how to find the specified CommandBar?

Thanks :)


Hey Hurry,

Try something like this:

Dim MyBar As CommandBar

MyBar = Application.CommandBars("[Replace brackets here with the name of
your toolbar]")

-- MyBar will now reference your toolbar

or this

Dim cbBar As CommandBar

For Each cbBar in Application.CommandBars
If StrComp(cbBar.Name, "[Replace brackets here with the name of your
toolbar]", vbTextCompare)=0 then
Exit For
End If
Next cbBar

-- cbBar will now reference your toolbar

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