When looping through a collection of Outlook.Items that includes
recurrences, and a recurring appointment is found, I need to get the
non-recurring appointment in order to change the Categories property.
I want to eliminate the the Do loop below and go directly to the appointment
item in question. I can minimize the iterations of the loop by restricting
the olRitms collection with strFilter, but there must be a way to get the
item by EntryID (?) Any suggestions appreciated...
For Each outlook appointment item including recurrences...
If olai.IsRecurring Then
strEntryID = olai.EntryID
Set olRitms = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
Set objRcr = olRitms.Restrict(strFilter)
Do While i < objRcr.Count
i = i + 1
If objRcr(i).EntryID = strEntryID Then
objRcr(i).Categories = strCategoryName
End If
End If
recurrences, and a recurring appointment is found, I need to get the
non-recurring appointment in order to change the Categories property.
I want to eliminate the the Do loop below and go directly to the appointment
item in question. I can minimize the iterations of the loop by restricting
the olRitms collection with strFilter, but there must be a way to get the
item by EntryID (?) Any suggestions appreciated...
For Each outlook appointment item including recurrences...
If olai.IsRecurring Then
strEntryID = olai.EntryID
Set olRitms = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
Set objRcr = olRitms.Restrict(strFilter)
Do While i < objRcr.Count
i = i + 1
If objRcr(i).EntryID = strEntryID Then
objRcr(i).Categories = strCategoryName
End If
End If