How to find balance in project from microsoft project


Eric Tan

Hello I'm new user in Microsoft project 2007 program

I have a question to ask your guy. How to find balance in project?

pls help me as soon as possible



Hello Eric,

Welcome to the newsgroup and Project 2007. Perhaps if you could
explain clearly what you mean by finding "balance" we can offer more
assistance. What do you wish to balance?

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

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Eric Tan

Thak for your suggestion Julies

My specific question is How to Balance Overallocated resources
Actullly I got some helpful doccument, they show that To balance
overallocatd resources automatically : Select Tools then select Level
Resources form the menu Clik the Automatic bullet and the Level Entire
Project bullet, then click the Level Now button. Click the Entire Pool
option and click OK.

However when I try to do that, I cannot select level resource from the
menu So how can I select level resource? and this is the right way to
Balance Overallocated resource automatically? Thank for your help


Eric Tan


Hello Eric,

I personally do not recommend setting Resource Leveling to
Automatic. I prefer to review the overallocations in the Resource
Usage or Resource Allocation view. Then I prefer to level only
specifically selected resources. Display the Resource Usage or
Resource Allocation view and from the view, select a resource. Then
choose Tools > Resource Leveling > Level Resources. Click the Level
Now button and choose selected resource and Okay.

If Project can resolve the resource overallocation by delaying
tasks, the resource's name should no longer be red. If the
overallocation is not resolved, you may choose to level on an hour
by hour or minute by minute basis, however I usually will level to a
day by day or week by week knowing that some resource names may
still stay red indicating they are overallocated on less than a day
by day or week by week basis.



Hello Eric,

Welcome to exciting world of MS Project! :)
It looks like you use different terminology. I am not a guru in M
Project, but it looks like there is no such term as 'balance' i
project. Probably you mean 'Resource Leveling
( If so, you can fin
it on Tools -> Level Resources

Let us know if it helps.


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