how to find data and list all of them in a cell.



I have one database table like this.
Col_A Col_B Col_C
name room cancel
person1 building1 no
person2 building1 yes
person3 building2 no
person4 building2 no
person5 building1 no

what I need is to list the name who don't cancel in building1 and fill in
the result would like to be : person1 , person5

pls. help me to solve this problem.
thank you so much

Bernard Liengme

The simplest way would be to select the data; use Data | Filter | AutoFilter
The use the spinner to get Building 1 in B and No in C.
Only the cases of interest will be displayed

But if you want the name concatenated in one cell, you will need to use VBA
best wishes

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