How to find the time elapsed between 2 events



Maybe someone here can help me. I have a database of customers with
information on their purchases. I need to get the time elapsed between
purchases and then get an average of time (in days) between purchases.

For example I want to sample 10% of my customers with at least X number of
purchases, to find the average time between their 2nd and 3rd purchases. (or
1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th). I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how to
make sure that I am looking at the right purchases. How do I know that I'm
working with exactly the 2nd and 3rd purchase?

I hope to be able to do this with a query or series of queries, since I'm
only mediocre at coding.

Thanks for your help.


Ken Sheridan


The following query should give you the days between the first and second
purchases per customer where 2 is entered at the [Enter last purchase
number:] parameter prompt and the customer has made at least as many
purchases as the number entered at the [Enter number of purchases:] parameter

SELECT CustomerID, SaleDate -
FROM Sales AS S2
WHERE S2.CustomerID = S1.CustomerID
AND S2.SaleDate < S1.SaleDate)
AS DaysBetween
FROM Sales AS S1
FROM Sales AS S2
WHERE S2.CustomerID = S1.CustomerID
AND S2.SaleDate <= S1.SaleDate)
= [Enter last purchase number:]
FROM Sales As S2
WHERE S2.CustomerID = S1.CustomerID)
= [Enter number of purchases:];

This assumes no customer makes more than one purchase on the same day. For
the number of days between the second and third purchase enter 3 at the
[Enter last purchase number:] parameter prompt.

You can then base another query on this to restrict it to the sample 10% and
then AVG the DaysBetween column from the restricted result set.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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