How to find values for a group of cells based on another group of cells



I have three scenarios I would like to incorporate into my
spreadsheet and don't know how to. Here they are.

1. I would like to find the max value from a list (must be
greater than 0). The catch is that each cell in the list
of numbers are actually a sum of 6 other cells and I only
want to look for the max of the values that were derived
as a sum of all 6 other numbers no zero or blank values,
and ignore the summed numbers that were perhaps from only
1,2,3,4, or 5 of the other 6 cells.

2. I would also like to do the same thing only to find the
min value in the second set of cells.

3. Finally I would like to count these values that fit
into a range (>10 but <100) but again only including those
that had values in all 6 of the summed cells that were
greater than 0.

Example: A2:F2 = G2, A3:F3 = G3, A4:F4 = G4 and so on. The
range I want to do this for would be G2:G4 but only if the
other ranges are not empty and greater than 0.


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