I have created a flowchart on page 3..whn I delete some paras from page
1 or 2 ..the flowchart moves upwards tht is it moves to page 2 and
continues to page 3...the whole look is runied..how to fix it on 1
You cannot. Word is designed around text flow; graphical objects (such as
a flowchart) are *always* anchored/linked to a specific paragraph. They
will always be on the same page as that paragraph. All you can do is make
sure the anchor is linked to a paragraph that will stay on the page where
you want the object.
To see the object anchors: Tools/Options/View and activate the
appropriate checkbox. When you click on a graphic, the anchor should
appear at the top, left of a paragraph on the same page (you may need to
"wiggle" the graphic with the mouse to force its display). Once you can
see the anchor, you can drag it to any paragraph on the same page.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)
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