click down the symbols triangle, choose phonetic symbols.
Had to select view> 'unicode'> unicode table.
Had to use Lucinda grande. It doesn't match 'times new roman' well, but
I hope they understand.
That probably means your Times New Roman is really Times Ancient Roman.
(Do you get IV when you type 4? -- only joking. The old Macintosh TNR
that preceded Unicode did not include phonetic characters
You should have an incredibly array of unicode characters in the TNR
that comes with 2004. Try with Font Book and the Fonts in the Office
directory. This might be a bit scary. Ask if you need help.
(I don't have 2004 yet, and my TNR has a very skimpy repertoire indeed.
Yours is almost certainly more complete than mine.)
... thanks very much for your help.(I seem to have the 1968
version of Word help, but that's okay, I'm sure I'm the only one).
1968 Help? You were *lucky*. We had to lick road clean wit 'tongue, and
then our da' would tie us oop in sacks, row us out to sea....
(sorry, irresistible Mony Python opportunity)
Thanks for the update. One is never certain that the directions offered
are sufficient. Seems to have almost worked for you.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for pointing this out: I had read it in the 1200-page doorstop I
bought on OS X a while back, but had forgotten to invoke it.
By way of thanks, O learned Aussie mate, herewith.
The options are a bit different in 2004:
In Character Palette, pop down the menu at "View:" to "Unicode".
Click on the "Unicode Blocks" button.
In the list, click on "IPA extensions".
Rowboat, lad? That were the lap of looxury ... shear looxury ... Too good
for a cardboard box, eh?
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is at least 7 hours different from the US and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
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