How to format a line between two points on a line chart?


Mark Stephens


Used to be as easy as recording a macro and seeing how to do it, god knows
why microsoft chose to drop this useful feature... c'est la vie.

I have a line chart and wish to apply a different colour to a portion of the
line according to some vba parameters i have defined.

It would be ideal to be able to do ti without activation the chart, I found
some code posted by John Peltier in December:

With Worksheets("sheet 2?).ChartObjects("chart1?).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)

but this doesn't seem to work giving the error:

Compile error:

Expected: list seperator or )

and highlighting the quote mark after sheet 2 to the bracket after chart1

I have tried messing about with it but can't get it to work.

Anyway, that one aside, I want to say:

For bPointNo = 2303 To 2666

ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Colour = Red

Next bPointNo

The last line is obviously not going to work so I have put it just to show
what I am trying to achieve.

This should be so straightforward, I am pretty disappointed in Microsoft,
why I wonder have they chosen to make excel so un user friendly to vba

Thanks and regards, Mark


Hi Mark,

I think that the question marks are only to indicate that you need to edit
that part of the code with your sheet name and chart name and then close the
double quotes. Anyway try the following but you will probably still need to
edit the sheet name and chart name and maybe even the SeriesCollection Index:-

With Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
With .Points(4).Border 'Formats from point 3 to point 4
.ColorIndex = 3 'Red
.Weight = xlThin
'.Weight = xlThick 'code included for info
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
End With

Weight and linestyle can be omitted if you don't want to change them.

Alternative method of codeing:-

With Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
.Points(4).Border.ColorIndex = 3 'Formats from point 3 to point 4
.Points(5).Border.ColorIndex = 6 'Formats from point 4 to point 5
End With


Hi again Mark,

If you want to put that into a loop for several points then something like

Dim p As Long

For p = 4 To 7
With Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects("Chart
With .Points(p).Border 'Formats from point 3 to point 4
.ColorIndex = 3
.Weight = xlThin
'.Weight = xlThick 'Included for info
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
End With
Next p

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