why can't I
send the "contact with task included" with a pop3 to a recievers pop3
account. Is that the design issue?
The design issue is that those included tasks are included by reference ,
not by value. You do not see the Exchange URL or Outlook ID field that
identifies the data item behind the name that appears in the activities
list. The Exchange URL or Outlook ID will not have any meaning in the
receivers system.
Here is an analogy. You send a gift basket to a friend, but wanting to
save shipping cost, the basket only contains cards that say 10 pounds of
triple cream brie from Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery store, 20 pounds of
Apples from Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery store, and 1 case of $10/bottle
California Merlot from Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery store. Now, Ralph's
Pretty Good Grocery store is the only grocery in your little home town.
Your friend lives in New Your City. What is he going to do with the
little cards that tell of what is available in Ralph's Pretty Good
Grocery store, which doesn't exist in New York City?
And no, I do not have an article or workaround that tells you how to do
all this. We usually just tell people who request this that it can't be
done. But, you can search through the coding examples at
www.outlook-code.com and
www.slipstick.com, to see if anything has been
developed in recent history.
Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
Mukilteo, WA USA