how to generate an organization chart using data in an access data




I can't find samples to obtain an org chart programmatically. I want to use
Visio as a draw engine and call it with automation.
So I understood that
- first, I have to obtain an instance of Visio.
- After, I have to use the wizard : objAddOn =

Ok but, how to tell the wizard to read the table in the source database ?
How to transform the data in org chat ?
Where can I find informations about it ?
(I looked in the developper reference but I saw nothing about it)
Thanks a lot


The wizard runs with addons in the Visio, and the specfication is not opend
to user.
So, the only way is to build your own addons.

Al Edlund

check out the visio sdk. it has examples of working with org charts and it's

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