How to generate Minimum formula?



If the requirement of the calculation is as following:

eg: Min 50.00 or 0.20/kg

Since the breakeven point is 250, so if anything is less than 250, then the
charges would be 50.00. However, anything exceed 250 would be based on
0.20*indicated amount. Eg: 0.20*300= 60.00

Kindly advise on how to generate a formula for the above. Thanks in advance.

Muhammed Rafeek M

Use If function
A1: 250 (sample value)
B1: =if(A1<250,50.00,A1*0.20)

pls do rate


Dear Muhammed,

Thanks for your help on below.

I have another question for the following case:

eg: 10.00 per 1st 5 items, 5.00 per every additional 5 items
Thus, if the total is 20 items, then the answer would be 20.00.

Hope u may assist. TQ.


wm said:
If the requirement of the calculation is as following:
eg: Min 50.00 or 0.20/kg

Since the breakeven point is 250, so if anything is less than 250, then the
charges would be 50.00. However, anything exceed 250 would be based on
0.20*indicated amount. Eg: 0.20*300= 60.00

=max(50, 0.20*A1)

Muhammed Rafeek M

I think in ur Q-eq some mistake is there:
if item is 20 then answer would be 25 according to ur logic.

pls check it out below mention formula




u can tray both and see the result.
let me know if u need further information.

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