How to get ac2003 dev edition?



I want to convert an ac97 mdb to ac2003 mdb and/or adp.
I heard only ac2003 developer edition can create adp files, but when I went
to MS site, I did not find the exact edition.
I think Office 2003 Professional Editon will have the right Access for the
job. But the company is not ready for Office 2003.
I got this Microsoft Office Access 2003, but have not idea what edition it
is. I have not openned it yet in case I need to exchange for the right one.
There is "ac 2003 Developer Extensions, as part of the New Visual Studio
Tools for the Microsoft Office System."
Please tell me what I need and where to get.
Oh, by the way, we don't have MSDN subscription.

M.L. Sco Scofield

There is only one version of Access per Office version.

Some versions of Office come with Access and others don't. The ones that do,
it's the very same Access.

The "Access 2003 Developer Extensions,",
give you a license to distribute the runtime, has a packaging wizard, and
some other stuff.

Making an ADP has been a built-in part of Access since ADPs were introduced.

In Access 2003:
File / New
Then select
"Project using existing data..."
"Project using new data..."
depending on whether you already have the data your are going to use in
SQL Server (or MSDE) or you need to build a new database.

Good luck.


M.L. "Sco" Scofield, Microsoft Access MVP, MCSD, MCP, MSS, A+
Denver Area Access Users Group Vice President
MS Colorado Events Administrator
Useful Metric Conversion #18 of 19: 8 nickels = 2 paradigms (My personal
Miscellaneous Access and VB "stuff" at


So, It sounds like I don't need any pro/dev version of Access to build ADP,
but if I want to distribute it with access run-time, I need ac2003 dev
According to the link, the extensions are part of the new Visual Studio
Tools for the Microsoft Office System software package.
Where can I get the package?
Well, I am going to go ahead building ADPs first, then worry about how to
roll them out.

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