How to get colors exact???


MS Newsgroups

I did some artwork in PP 2000 for insertion into Frontpage. I need to match
the color in a Frontpage graphic.

When I try to set the color in PP in the Custom dialog box it won't let me
set the HSL for a given RGB. For example I want RGB of 153,204,153 with HSL
of 80,80,168. But, when I put in the RGB values it changes the HSL to
85,85,179. Putting values in one automatically changes the other. (I do
know the hex value of the color I want {99,CC,99})

How do I make the color in PP exact? Can I change the hex somewhere? Can I
make it so it doesn't automatically change the HSL for a given RGB? And,
lastly and more importantly, why do these two products have different color
engines? I can understand if it was from two different vendors, but don't
they ever think about people moving between two products that are
supposedely complementary? Frontpage doesn't have the ability to generate
graphics and they recommend doing it in PP.



Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

When I try to set the color in PP in the Custom dialog box it won't let me
set the HSL for a given RGB. For example I want RGB of 153,204,153 with HSL
of 80,80,168.

I suspect this is akin to asking for 212 degrees F to equal 125 degrees C or
one foot to equal one meter. There's a mathematical relationship between
the two. Changing one will always change the other. Do you get different
HSL values for a given RGB in PPT vs FrontPage? If so, the conversion
formula in one or the other may be bunged or perhaps FrontPage is mapping
your RGB/HLS values to "web-safe" colors.

I don't use FP, but maybe somebody who does can tell us whether it does this
sort of mapping; I fired it up just now and used the colors dialog to plug
in the RGB equivalent of your hex values and it converts them back to the
correct hex code. See below.
But, when I put in the RGB values it changes the HSL to
85,85,179. Putting values in one automatically changes the other. (I do
know the hex value of the color I want {99,CC,99})

That should be 153, 204, 153 RGB - see, you're not entering Hex in PPT,
you're entering decimal.

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

So, is there a way to put a hex value into PPT so they come out exact?

PowerPoint doesn't accept hex values.
As both are considered Office products, why do they use two different color
engines? They don't use two different dictionaries for spell check!

They both work in RGB under the hood, is my guess, but the web uses RGB
expressed as a set of three hex values, and that's the system FP uses.

All you really need to do is convert the hex values to decimal or vice

FF,00,00 is the same as 255,0,0 or full-on Red.

Windows' Calculator will do Hex to Decimal/Decimal to Hex conversions if you
choose View, Scientific.

This is cute, though a little buggy ... only goes to 254 instead of 255

This works well too

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