How to get corresponding Xvalue for specific Yvalue from XYScatte.



I have drawn an XYscatter chart connected with smooth lines. I want to get
the corresponding value on X axis at a know value of Y (50%) how can I do it?
Is it possible to show the calculation by perpendicular dropping lines?

Bernard Liengme

You need to find an equation that fits the data. Is it linear or polynomial
I will give more info based on your answer.

best wishes


It has random values and I can't find any equation related to it.
The values for X are {0.250 0.315 0.400 0.630 0.800 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500
3.150 6.000} and The values for Y are {4.37% 7.98% 13.54% 50.29% 85.86%
94.39% 96.56% 98.97% 99.54% 99.80% 100.00%} total 11 values in each.
Thanks alot!

Tushar Mehta

Random values? It sure doesn't look like that from a XY Scatter chart.

Search the archives for Dave Braden's cubic spline code or
visit for the bezier curve code. Or consider 'Interactive
Chart' (http://www.tushar-, which
uses stepwise linear interpolation -- and for your data it looks a
fair-to-good fit. Yet another option is 'Read X and Y value of any
point on a chart' (http://www.tushar-


Tushar Mehta
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