How to get data from Access Database in Intranet


Bill Li

Hello all,

I can build the connection to the Access Database in our
intranet via ADO as following:

User ID=Admin;
Encrypt Password=False;
Data Source=Watchdog_Monitor.mdb;

However, when I try to run query to select data from the
database, the run time error appears

Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)';
One or mor errors occurred during processing of command.

Could anybody tell me what's the error and how to fix it?
Thanks a lot!

Best Regards


Matthew Connor

Bill said:
I can build the connection to the Access Database in our
intranet via ADO as following:
However, when I try to run query to select data from the
database, the run time error appears

Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)';
One or mor errors occurred during processing of command.

Could anybody tell me what's the error and how to fix it?
Thanks a lot!

Briefly, ADO is raising an error back to your code.

ADO actually keeps a separate collection of all errors it encountered
and passes that entire collection back (through the connection
object). You program notices that collection and raises it own error
with a not-so descriptive message "One or more errors occurred".

What you can do to trace the errors -

1. When the program crashes, view the connection object in the Watch
window - drill down to Errors - Item 1, Item 2 - Description

2. Trap the error. Add:
On Error Goto AdoErrorReport
(just above error causing line)

On Error Goto 0
(just below error causing line)

Exit Sub
Dim adoErr As ADODB.Error
For Each adoErr In objConn.Errors
msgbox err.Description
(just above 'End Sub' - (changing objConn to you connection object))

With all of the ease of debugging to which I've become accustomed, I
know I've been frustrated by this at times.

Hope this helps,


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