How to get data using VB?



- not sure if this belongs here or some VB group, but I'll try here -

I am a bit of an expert at programming, but a beginner at VB. I have VB6.0
and I cannot seem to figure out just how to get information from Excel. I
just want to write a simple program that can read Excel documents and write
them out as text files. We already have a program that reads text files and
writes them out as Excel documents, but I can't figure out if there's a
simple way to reverse it, or if the reverse process uses entirely different
commands. I looked through the VB database on but I
can't make sense of it.
Can anyone tell me where to start, or point me to a sample code program that
does this?

Tom Ogilvy

If your data is set up like a database on one sheet, then perhaps:
HOWTO: Use ADO with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA
SAMPLE: ExcelADO Demonstrates How to Use ADO to Read and Write Data in Excel

Otherwise, you would need to use OLE Automation to open Excel as an
application, then manipulate the excel object model to do what you describe.
(which is an option even if your data is set up like a database on one

Microsoft Office 97 Automation Help File Available (Q167223);EN-US;167223

Microsoft Office 2000 Automation Help File Available (Q260410);EN-US;260410

Microsoft Office XP Automation Help File Available (Q302460);EN-US;302460
Automation Programmer's Reference;EN-US;253235
FILE: OFFAUTMN.EXE Discusses Office 97 and 2000 Automation and Provides
Sample Code


That seems to have worked just fine The application is reading in my Excel
document and writing it to the screen. Now I just need to figure out the
syntax to write the information to a text file.

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