Afzal Khan was telling us:
Afzal Khan nous racontait que :
In need program which will get all deleted/modified track changes
text from compare document
This is a VBA group.
You should try to get it going using VBA.
Come back with specific question regarding VBA to help you build the
See the follwong code to get you going
Dim revCheck As Revision
Dim strTextRev As String
Set revCheck = Selection.NextRevision
If Not (revCheck Is Nothing) Then
Select Case revCheck.Type
Case wdRevisionDelete, wdRevisionInsert, wdRevisionReplace
'Do something with the text, like
strTextRev = strTextRev & revCheck.Range.Text & "|"
End Select
End If
Then, when you have something working in VBA, you can port it to C#, maybe
posting in a C# group for help.
Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: