Ed from AZ
I generated two Excel worksheets of data for about 700 items. One has
one line of information for each item, the other has multiple lines
for each item. Each item has a single unique identifier. I need to
build a report in Word with the single-line results in a header and
the multi-line results below.
This would be easier in Access if I could build a report from two
tables with a linked key field - but the Powers That Be didn't see fit
to give me that tool. So I'm trying to make do with what I've got!
About the only thought I have so far is to create a Word template with
my header as a table and a bookmark below it. With the two Excel
worksheets, iterate through the single-line results and build an array
to populate the table cells, then capture the unique key and for each
entry in the multi-line results that matches the key, build an array
to dump into the bookmark. Save, close, open new, lather, rinse,
Is there an easier way?
one line of information for each item, the other has multiple lines
for each item. Each item has a single unique identifier. I need to
build a report in Word with the single-line results in a header and
the multi-line results below.
This would be easier in Access if I could build a report from two
tables with a linked key field - but the Powers That Be didn't see fit
to give me that tool. So I'm trying to make do with what I've got!
About the only thought I have so far is to create a Word template with
my header as a table and a bookmark below it. With the two Excel
worksheets, iterate through the single-line results and build an array
to populate the table cells, then capture the unique key and for each
entry in the multi-line results that matches the key, build an array
to dump into the bookmark. Save, close, open new, lather, rinse,
Is there an easier way?