how to get follow up flag on task item



Hello All,

I am developing outlook COM addin using VC++.
I am able to retrive task item from outlook and also all other information of task.

But i am not able to retrive follow up flag. So is there anybody who can help me on this problem.

thanks in advance.

Manish Patel

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

How are you attempting to retrieve the flag information, what API are you
using? The Outlook object model doesn't expose any flag properties for tasks
or some other item types.

If you are using Extended MAPI or Redemption the flag properties would be

FlagRequest: PT_STRING8, ID = 0x8530, Guid =

FlagDueBy: PT_SYSTIME, ID = 0x8560, Guid =

PR_FLAG_ICON: PT_LONG, PropTag = 0x10950003

PR_FLAG_STATUS: PT_LONG, PropTag = 0x10900003

Using DASL syntax with Redemption or the Outlook 2007 PropertyAccessor, the
properties are the following:

FlagRequest: "urn:schemas:httpmail:messageflag"

FlagDueBy: "urn:schemas:httpmail:reply-by"



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