Hi Milos
Not sure if this is what you're after, but I use this macro o
variations on it to copy info from websites.
It can be pictures, text, CSV or excel files - any info that you wan
that excel can read. it is useful if you regularly get data from th
same same site, and where you know the names of the files you want t
The file path is specified, then an array containing the names of th
pictures, files etc you want to copy. The macro combines the two t
identify what to copy. Each picture is copied to a new sheet.
This version copies cartoons from the website of Private Eye magazine
Change the address and contents to suit your needs.
Sub download_cartoons()
file_path = "
file_names = Array("1.gif", "2.gif", "3.gif", "4.gif", "5.gif"
"6.gif", "7.gif", "8.gif", "9.gif", "10.gif", "11.gif", "12.gif"
"13.gif", "14.gif", "15.gif", "16.gif", "17.gif", "18.gif", "19.gif"
"20.gif", "21.gif", "22.gif", "23.gif", "24.gif", "25.gif", "26.gif"
"27.gif", "28.gif", "29.gif", "30.gif", "31.gif", "32.gif", "33.gif"
"34.gif", "35.gif", "36.gif", "37.gif", "38.gif", "39.gif", "40.gif"
"41.gif", "42.gif", "43.gif", "44.gif", "45.gif", "46.gif", "47.gif"
"48.gif", "49.gif", "50.gif")
For n = LBound(file_names) To UBound(file_names)
to_copy = file_path & file_names(n)
On Error Resume Next
If Error = "" Then Sheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End Su