How to get intermediate value of cell formula


jaimin jani

I would like to have function that can give intermediate value of cell
formula, and not the actual formula

I got one such function named gfrv() in this group at below given link

but it does not work for ranges and some other functions like "IF". It
gives formula instead of intermediate result in case of ranges.

this formula uses regular expression for extracting values.

I would like to know how this can be modded for working with ranges


You code will not work on functions that have multple pieces like IF and it
won't work on nest functions. You need a recusive algorithm that will break
the code into pieces and the take each piece and and cal the functtion again.
You wil need to make a table off all the excel functions. there arre
programs like LEX and YACC

see this webpage in the sections LEX and YACC.

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