Hi all.
In other words, how to implement the method GetTaskFromIntPtr in the
code below?
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
public void Method1(Outlook.TaskItem task)
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(task.MAPIOBJECT);
Outlook.TaskItem task1 = GetTaskFromIntPtr(ptr); //
GetTaskFromIntPtr - ?
public Outlook.TaskItem GetTaskFromIntPtr(IntPtr)
In other words, how to implement the method GetTaskFromIntPtr in the
code below?
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
public void Method1(Outlook.TaskItem task)
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(task.MAPIOBJECT);
Outlook.TaskItem task1 = GetTaskFromIntPtr(ptr); //
GetTaskFromIntPtr - ?
public Outlook.TaskItem GetTaskFromIntPtr(IntPtr)