How to get my pictures back into my mails



Apparently I set some check somewhere that prevents pictures being downloaded
with e-mails sent to me. There is no Message Bar where I could enable the
disabled pictures, if I right-click at a non-shown picture, the only option
shown is "copy", and yes I can paste it into a word document (my only
solution...), in the training pages on internet the Microsoft Office Security
Options is mentioned, where I expected to find what I'm looking for, but I
cannot find it. Even when I search all sorts of Microsoft sources with the
string "Microsoft Office Security Options" I get (as usual) answers that
really have no connection what soever with security options. Anyhow, I don't
know where to find the solution to my problem.
Is there someone around who could give me a clue?
TIA, Oriolus


Assuming you're using Outlook 2003 or 2007, check one of these settings:

Outlook 2003: Tools > Options > Security > Change Automatic Download Settings.

Outlook 2007: Tools > Trust Center > Automatic Download

If the answer isn't in either of those, it could just be that Outlook is
having trouble saving the temporary version of the picture to display it. In
that case you need to clear out your OLK* folder in Temporary Internet Files
- see


TechieBird said:
Assuming you're using Outlook 2003 or 2007, check one of these settings:

Outlook 2003: Tools > Options > Security > Change Automatic Download Settings.

Outlook 2007: Tools > Trust Center > Automatic Download

If the answer isn't in either of those, it could just be that Outlook is
having trouble saving the temporary version of the picture to display it. In
that case you need to clear out your OLK* folder in Temporary Internet Files
- see

Thank you for answering. I have little language problem, since I cannot
paste screen shots, I have to type them underneath:
I don't know whether I have the right tab you mention:
It reads (translated, as good as possible):

V Do not automatically download pictures in e-mail messages in HTML-format
and in RSS-messages
V Admit downloads in e-mail messages where the sender and adressee is in
the list Safe senders and Safe addressees that is handled by
V etc. (all options checked)
(the V's mean a checked box)

So, I thought, only download if I have control over it, so checked all boxes.
Should I uncheck the first box?

TIA, Oriolus


My advice would be no, leave it at defaults. The reason I suggested to check
that setting was I thought from your first post that you didn't want the
'protection' of not downloading pictures. Here's why the default is set not
to download automatically:

If you know a message is not from a spam sender, you can opt to download the
attachments. However, if you don't mind spam or are more bothered by not
getting your images straight away, the option is there to have all images

Personally I choose to leave the setting at its default and add people I
know to Safe Senders so their images aren't blocked.

If you don't get the option to download images, or if images are missing
even from your Safe Senders, it sounds more likely that you just need to
clear your OLK* folder from Temporary Internet Files (see my earlier link).


TechieBird said:
My advice would be no, leave it at defaults. The reason I suggested to check
that setting was I thought from your first post that you didn't want the
'protection' of not downloading pictures.

Indeed I prefer to judge by myself whether or no to download a picture!
If you know a message is not from a spam sender, you can opt to download the

You mean to download the pictures?
However, if you don't mind spam or are more bothered by not
getting your images straight away, the option is there to have all images

Indeed I prefer to judge by myself whether or no to download a picture!
Personally I choose to leave the setting at its default and add people I
know to Safe Senders so their images aren't blocked.

I agree
If you don't get the option to download images, or if images are missing
even from your Safe Senders, it sounds more likely that you just need to
clear your OLK* folder from Temporary Internet Files (see my earlier link).

Maybe, because I run Vista, I have no single file containing olk* in the name.
The described procedure doesn't fit to a Vista installation, I think,
because I have neither a Local Settings directory nor a Temporary Internet
Files one. Even having a non-English OS, there are no directories that look
similar. So I'm still at the same place, unless I uncheck the options
(whether they are the default, I don't know, but as I wrote, I prefer to keep
them untouched, like you).

Any other suggestions?
Thank you again.


My responses inline...

Oriolus said:
Indeed I prefer to judge by myself whether or no to download a picture!

You mean to download the pictures?

Sorry, yes, I meant pictures. It's getting late, I need more caffeine...
Indeed I prefer to judge by myself whether or no to download a picture!

I agree

Maybe, because I run Vista, I have no single file containing olk* in the name.
The described procedure doesn't fit to a Vista installation, I think,
because I have neither a Local Settings directory nor a Temporary Internet
Files one. Even having a non-English OS, there are no directories that look
similar. So I'm still at the same place, unless I uncheck the options
(whether they are the default, I don't know, but as I wrote, I prefer to keep
them untouched, like you).

Good point, I need to update those instructions for Vista! The correct
location would be %userprofile%\appData\local\microsoft\windows\Temporary
Internet Files\content.outlook. On the plus side (with OL2007, at least) is
you can paste that path direct into the Address Bar in Windows Explorer and
it takes you right there with no messing around.

You'll then have a subfolder (possibly more, I just have one here)
underneath which you can then empty out.

Unfortunately I don't have a machine to hand with Vista and OL2003 - I'm
guessing the path would be
%userprofile%\appData\local\microsoft\windows\Temporary Internet
Files\OLKnnnn - so you still have to use the long instructions in my link to
find out the nnnn, just use this path instead.

Hope this helps!



TechieBird said:
Good point, I need to update those instructions for Vista! The correct
location would be %userprofile%\appData\local\microsoft\windows\Temporary
Internet Files\content.outlook. On the plus side (with OL2007, at least) is
you can paste that path direct into the Address Bar in Windows Explorer and
it takes you right there with no messing around.

By OL2007 you mean Outlook 2007? I use that.
I found the location allright. Funny that I couldn't find "Temporary
Internet Files" by mere searching; possibly a typo.
You'll then have a subfolder (possibly more, I just have one here)
underneath which you can then empty out.

Anyway, I found only 35 files to be deleted in the only folder called
Unfortunately I don't have a machine to hand with Vista and OL2003 - I'm
guessing the path would be
%userprofile%\appData\local\microsoft\windows\Temporary Internet
Files\OLKnnnn - so you still have to use the long instructions in my link to
find out the nnnn, just use this path instead.

So this wasn't necessary.
Nevertheless, I cannot see (only copy, when right-clicking) pictures, nor
can I see pictures (only hover and see a link, or click and load the link in
my browser) that have a link under them...

The funny thing, if I didn't mention this, is that another account on the
same Vista-machine does show pictures in messages. Have you any idea what
places I could compare (logging in and out from the one to the other
account, to see if there are differences? There are so many options that can
be set that one doesn't know where to look anyway...

Thanks for your patience with me!



I tried all of the suggestions for this ongoing issue. Nothing has helped.
Still my email messages most likely created with HTML can only be viewed in a
IE. Who can we write to to complain about this? It used to work fine before.


rllngriver said:

I tried all of the suggestions for this ongoing issue. Nothing has helped.
Still my email messages most likely created with HTML can only be viewed in a
IE. Who can we write to to complain about this? It used to work fine before.

Maybe the following description of OL2007's strange behaviour under some
accounts of a Windows Vista installation will help searchers for any solution
to this problem:

If I make an new e-mail to a friend, even my own pictures that I paste into
the e-mail will only show <b>ME</b> a blank pane, but the friend will get my
e-mail with the picture visible, and what's more: If I'm composing my e-mail
and ajust the size of my picture to be sent in my e-mail, <b> IT'S VISIBLE AS
this case is a way of exclaming my amazement; I'm not scolding!
I hope this will give someone a clue!


hi oriolus

have you tried openening an e-mail go to the office button upper left corner
| editor settings | advanced | remove the mark in show picture placeholders?



BenMie said:
hi oriolus

have you tried openening an e-mail go to the office button upper left corner
| editor settings | advanced | remove the mark in show picture placeholders?

Hi BenMie,

Thank you for your suggestion. Indeed, I still have the problem mentioned,
but I cannot discover the corresponding "remove the mark in show picture
placeholders" in my Dutch version:
I have four sections in Advanced:
1. Options for editing
2. Cut, copy and paste
3. Display content of e-mail
4. Display
Perhaps you could lead me to line x of section y where you think this mark
should sit? I cannot find any text that corresponds to show picture in Dutch.

Thanks in advance!

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