I was wondering if this was any help? I took some photo's and processed them
as I usually do. Download from my camera. Put them in the MS Picture Manager
and began to rename them. There was 115 pictures in all. But as I was going
through them, and renaming them, a little pop-up window came up and asked if
I wanted to rename the file. I said yes, because I wanted to name the picture
itself. Some how it got "replaced" and not "renamed" and when I went to the
MY PICTURES folder, they were not there. All that was there was a big white
space, but the information was still intact. Size of file, type of file
(JPEG) and date. There was no image. Like it was a ghost image or it was
I had someone who is an expert look all through my computer. In the DOS
section, C drive...everywhere.
I download this software,"Recover my photo's" and I saw them on there. But I
didn't want to pay $$$$$. I was wondering if this was your same problem and
did you find a solution?