how to get previous version of outlook back?



Computer reverted to Outlook 2000 over the weekend for some reason. All
address book, contents and files are now missing. Can I get all that info


Outlook doesnt / cannot revert to an earlier version, without user
Elaberate on your Q with full details including what version you think you
had, and how that version was installed, and what makes you think you now
have OL 2000


Denise said:
Computer reverted to Outlook 2000 over the weekend for some reason. All
address book, contents and files are now missing. Can I get all that info

You want to go "back" to a previous version. Your host "reverted"
(changed) to Outlook 2000. So are you asking how to get back to Outlook
98, 97, Outlook for Windows 3.x, or Outlook for MS-DOS?

Just how did your host "revert" to a prior state without you or someone
else with admin rights changing its state, like restoring to a prior
disk state using backups or images? Where were YOU over the weekend?
Is this your host or one at work? If at work, did you ask the IT folks
if they re-imaged your host?

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