I need to loop through all future Outlook appointment items and populate a
table with the date and subject of each appointment. The problem is with
recurring apointments - how do I get the recurring dates?
If the appointment is NOT recurring, this works:
Dim ola As Outlook.AppointmentItem
For Each ola In olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
If ola.Start > Date Then
myDate = ola.Start
mySubject = ola.Subject
End If
But the above code will not return recurring appointments.
I've tried this, but no luck:
If ola.IsRecurring Then
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim apptRcrPat As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
Dim apptRcr As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Set apptRcrPat = ola.GetRecurrencePattern
For Each varItem In apptRcrPat
Debug.Print varItem
End If
Suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.
table with the date and subject of each appointment. The problem is with
recurring apointments - how do I get the recurring dates?
If the appointment is NOT recurring, this works:
Dim ola As Outlook.AppointmentItem
For Each ola In olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
If ola.Start > Date Then
myDate = ola.Start
mySubject = ola.Subject
End If
But the above code will not return recurring appointments.
I've tried this, but no luck:
If ola.IsRecurring Then
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim apptRcrPat As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
Dim apptRcr As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Set apptRcrPat = ola.GetRecurrencePattern
For Each varItem In apptRcrPat
Debug.Print varItem
End If
Suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.