Lee T.
Do you want the form to open, have the linking key, but
show no data? In the textbox that is the link type in
(sorry I am at home and don't have access to A2K on the
kids computer) something like this...
=forms![<your form>]![<your linked textbox name from
the main form>]
This method will also put a new record in the subtable
(if you are basing your subform one) if there is no
corresponding record in the subtable. That is once you
start entering data in the subform.
Lee T.
show no data? In the textbox that is the link type in
(sorry I am at home and don't have access to A2K on the
kids computer) something like this...
=forms![<your form>]![<your linked textbox name from
the main form>]
This method will also put a new record in the subtable
(if you are basing your subform one) if there is no
corresponding record in the subtable. That is once you
start entering data in the subform.
Lee T.