How to get the best out of Onenote?



I want to use one note as a store room for files to help me keep my work
files organized.

Is it possible to have several folders that are not actually opened each
time you open one note?

In the same way that treepad has different files/databases with different
labels, enabling you to keep your work more streamlined, focused and

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I want to use one note as a store room for files to help me keep my work
files organized.

It's not a great file manager, really. It's more for notes than files.
You might actually be better off using Windows Explorer to create a
specific folder hierarchy for what you're talking about.
Is it possible to have several folders that are not actually opened each
time you open one note?

Yes, just right-click the section and close it.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Grant Robertson

It's not a great file manager, really. It's more for notes than files.
You might actually be better off using Windows Explorer to create a
specific folder hierarchy for what you're talking about.

Ben is correct here (not that he isn't also correct elsewhere). I use a
parallel structure for several different things that need to be
organized: My paper files, my OneNote 'My Notebook' folder, a
'Reference' folder in the root of my D: drive (this is where I store
reference documents that I did not create), and documents I create under
'My Documents'.

If I notice that I often need to get from one to the other quickly then I
will insert a link or shortcut, whichever is appropriate, to make it a
little easier. I don't put links and shortcuts everywhere because then it
just becomes drudgery to keep doing it every time I create a new section
in OneNote. I only create a link when I really think I will use it.
Usually, since the folder structure is similar, it is easy to find what I
am looking for without a link.

I don't, however, choose to store all of my reference documents within
the 'My Notebook' folder. I prefer to keep content that I have created
separate from content others created. If I ever need to back up MY work
it is much easier if it is separate. If I lost the reference material it
would be less of a problem because I could always go and download it
again. But there are good arguments for keeping it all together also.

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