How to get the number style?



Hi, i am using vb to read a xxx.doc (microsoft word) and analyst th
style of each paragraph. For example, in my doc, i have the paragrap

1. This is my document.
a. Something is written in this paragraph.
i. first point.
ii. second point.
b. Another paragraph here.
2. My document.

in my vb code, i would like to know what is the style's name of 1, 2
3.. a, b, c... i, ii, iii... (i am not really sure if its calle
wdListNumberStyleLowercaseRoman or something...)
i have found that the code below list down the styles of the document.

for i = 0 to 9
msgbox WordDoc.ListTemplates(1).ListLevels(i).NumberStyle

but my problem is, i want to know the NumberStyle in each paragraph
and hence do something, i have tried for many ways but i still faile
to get what i want. hope someone can help.really need your help here
thank you

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