How to get the value oa an optionbutton from another workbook


George M

I want to get the value of the optionbutton from another workbook
without opening it and let the user choose the workbook.

It works fine when the workbook is open but when it is closed i get
runtime error 9 subscript out of range.

Sub macro1()

Dim Fname
Dim z, x, c, v As Variant

Dim N As Long
Dim pathname
Dim targetpath
Dim filename
Dim filenametf As Workbook

pathname = ActiveWorkbook.Path

ChDrive [pathname]
ChDir [pathname]

Fname = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel Files
(*.xls), *.xls")
MsgBox (Fname)
Set filenametf = Workbooks(Dir(Fname))

v = filenametf.Worksheets("sheet1").OptionButton1.Value
MsgBox (v)

end sub

Thanks for looking

Peter T

Not possible, at least not in any conventional way. Why not Link the
optionbutton to a cell, search this ng for ways to read cell values (ie the
linked cell) in a closed workbook.

Peter T

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