Alexander Chen
I want to handle ItemEvents of the _MailItem object. users can create many
_MailItem objects through creating new mail,so the following code will not
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAddin :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CAddin, &CLSID_Addin>,
public ISupportErrorInfo,
public IDispatchImpl<IAddin, &IID_IAddin, &LIBID_HWOLADDINLib>,
public IDispatchImpl<_IDTExtensibility2, &IID__IDTExtensibility2,
public IDispEventSimpleImpl<1,CAddin, &__uuidof(Outlook::_ItemsEvents)>
It can only catch the ItemEvents of the first inspector.
_MailItem objects through creating new mail,so the following code will not
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAddin :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CAddin, &CLSID_Addin>,
public ISupportErrorInfo,
public IDispatchImpl<IAddin, &IID_IAddin, &LIBID_HWOLADDINLib>,
public IDispatchImpl<_IDTExtensibility2, &IID__IDTExtensibility2,
public IDispEventSimpleImpl<1,CAddin, &__uuidof(Outlook::_ItemsEvents)>
It can only catch the ItemEvents of the first inspector.