How to Handle Menu event?


Ahmad Jalil Qarshi


I have Added a new CommandBarControl of type msoControlButton in the Menu
"Inline Picture" (which is displayed when you right click on some picture or
some OleObject in MS Word Document). I have also run some VBA macros on
click event at this new inserted menu Item by specifying them into
PutOnAction function. But now i want to call some functions of my ActiveX
control's class on click event at this new inserted menu. Is it possible if
so then please help me. i am using ATL in VC6


Ahmad Jalil Qarshi


Your class must implement IDTCommandTarget interface (typelib: Program
File\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\dte.olb).
Exec() and QueryStatus() will pass in 'cmdName', which is the full qualified
command name of a command -- "Addins.%progid%.%name%" (e.g.
progid:"MyAddin", name:"MyCmd", full name: "Addins.MyAddin.MyCmd").
You should check this name by comparing it with supported commands, then do
anything you like.


1. If you want to handle event from a Word button, you must implement
_CommandBarButtonEvents as ICommandBarButtonEvents.
// sample code VC++:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CEventSink :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public IDispatchImpl<ICommandBarButtonEvents,
&__uuidof(ICommandBarButtonEvents), &LIBID_Office, /*wMajor =*/ 2, /*wMinor
=*/ 3> // 2.3 = office 11.0
STDMETHOD_(void, Click)(_CommandBarButton *Ctrl, VARIANT_BOOL

Then advise the event sink for the button (e.g. inside

2. I think the problem is a custom button in a popup menu doesn't raise
events when it's clicked (bug?). The function _CommandBarButton::Execute()
will raise the event, however.
I created a word document and added a button to the "Inline Picture" popup
menu, and I created a VBA class to handle the 'click' event of the button
which simply shows a msgbox. The instance of the class is created during
document loading. But sadly, the event was not raised when I clicked the
button. Instead, I had a macro to invoke the 'Execute' method of the button,
the event is raised. I also tried to handle events from the build-in
"Cut(&T)" buttons, and the event was raised when it was clicked.

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