how to have cells automatically fill when entering value in ref



How do you automatically fill in values down a spreadsheet. I have a formula
in cell A1 that references the value in B1 (ie ="text"& B1) When I enter a
number in b1 (ie 55) cell a1 then reads "text55" is my
question.....I want to add a value to B2 and have A2 fill in the value from
above without having to copy afterwards. I have a workbook that functions
like this but cannot figure out how it is done. No values appear in A2 until
i hit enter after filling a value in cell B2 and hitting enter.

Gord Dibben

In A2 a formula like =IF(B2="","","text" & B2) would give you a
blank-looking A2 if nothing entered in B2

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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