How to have different color for different users in Track Changes



I know how to do it, it just doesn't work. I've went into numerous
"how to do this in Word" forums. They all say the same thing. So I
assign a color to my track changes and when it's opened on another
person's computer, it's in blue, not the color I picked (yellow). How
do I get it to keep the color I assigned in track changes? Thanks for
any help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You don't get to pick a color on someone else's machine. If you have
selected a specific color, that's what will be displayed on your machine. If
the recipient has selected a single color, that one will be used. If either
of you selects "By Author," you'll see different colors for different
reviewers, but there's no guarantee that any specific reviewer will have any
specific color on a given machine. Once you turn control over to Word, it's
totally random.

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