How to have Word create a new or re-ordered document



I have a large test procedure and when following it, often the user has to
back & forth between sections, this means remembering where you were; this
often takes time away from actually doing the work.

What I'd like to know is if the user could look at a bunch of checkboxes
near the top of the document, pick which tests they want to run, click a
button and have Word pick each selected section and any referenced sections
to produce a "new" document that has all of the sections list and in order?

For example, I would start at Section 1 which has three sub-sections. At the
end of the section 1.3, it says to go to Section 6.2; and of course after
completing 6.2, I'd have to return to section 1.3 then continue with section

I would love it if the "new" re-ordered document displayed Section 1, 1.1,
1.2, 1.3, 6.2, 2.0, etc.

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