How to hide and unhide Rows & Columns




I have a worksheet that is Plan calculator for customer of a teleco
company. There are four sheets,
sheet 1 Instructions (Instructions given how to put data and ge
sheet 2 Input sheet (data to be input)
sheet 3 current Bill Data sheet (Showing cost to customer in whic
terrif plan he is)
sheet 4 Best bill data sheet (this sheet guaides that which pla
customer should choose)
these all sheets are having so many calculations,formulas an
formating. I want to know is
1) so may rows and columns are hidden and I am not able to unhide them

2) In Input sheet al left side where row no. are there is + sing given
there are rows hide and by clicking + sign one can expande and unhid
the rows I want to know to perform this task
I am attaching the excel file for your reference. I am new user and no
knowing formulas and formating, help me to understand.


|Filename: Best Plan calculator_Ver 1[1].2_Mar,


Hi Aarif:
To unhide rows or columns, you have to choose the row (or column) on each
side of the row you want to unhide. I do not know why, but you can not click
on the cell to the left and above A1. To unhide all columns, click the A
column, press and hold Cntl/shift , then press the right arrow until you get
to the last column in your spreadsheet. Right click in the selected (blue)
area, and choose Unhide. All the hidden columns will be unhidden. You can do
the same for rows, but using the down arrow.



Hi john,

First of all thanks for spending ur valuable time for me, it works bu
i want to konw that how can I restrict others to unhide hidden rows an
my 2nd question was that how to group rows like for Example,

a1,a2,a3 having figures and a4 having sum of a1:a3
a5,a6,a7 having figures and a8 having sum of a5:a7

I want to group rows 1,2 & 3 and want to hide and as same way row 5,
& 7
I Want to know that sheet should show only a4 a8 field which containin
sum and three feilds of figures should be hidden. And I want a + sign a
left most side at row no 4 & 8 by pressing that i can expand thos hidde

I am from India and my english so poor I dont know u will get my poin
or not. I am not able to explain my question so i am sending u a scree
shot of excel file. In that screen shot row no 13,16,20,23,26 i can se
and when i am clicking the + sing given near left side of row no hidde
rows are expands and Row no 14,15,17.......becomes unhide i want to kno
hot to make it done.


|Filename: excel screen shot.gif


Hello again.
I am not sure what you mean by "group rows". If what you want to do is hide
rows 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, so the person viewing the spreadsheet can only see
the sums in rows 4 and 8, this is easy to do.
All cells are automatically set up as "protected". The protection does not
start, however, until you protect the worksheet. If you want your viewer to
only see the spreadsheet, and not to change anything at all, complete the
sheet as you want it to appear to your viewer, then go to
Tools>Protection>protect sheet. Make sure all options are unchecked. Enter a
password, and click OK; re-enter the password, and it is done. People will be
able to view the sheet, but will not be able to do modify it in any way
unless they have the password.
Tools>protection>protect sheet gives you many different options if you want
to allow your viewer to modify some aspects of the sheet.
If you want to leave certain cells or rows or columns unprotected so your
viewer can enter information, choose the cells you want to unprotect, then
Format>Cells>Protection, and uncheck the Protection box. Those cells will now
be completely open to your viewer.

I am sorry, I was not able to open your attachment, so I am not sure if this
answers your question.


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