How to hold all messages in Outbox until I'm ready to send batch?



Upon pressing "Send" I want all my outgoing emails to accumulate in the
Outbox until I can eyeball the "To" addresses, to make sure I didn't goof!...
Then I want to be able to press a "Send now" or "Transmit" button and send
the lot, all at once. I can do this easily in Eudora, but can't find the
function in Outlook.
(I can do this with the Receive function but can't find it in Send.)
Thanks for any help. Ken


Options->Mail Setup->Uncheck "Send immediately when connected"

Messages will be placed in the outbox and sent at the next send/receive
(manual or automatic).

If you want to change the send rules for send/receive (so outbound messages
aren't sent unless you go Tools->Send/receive->Send All, do this:

Tools->Send/Receive->Send/Receive Settings->All Accounts->Edit...->For each
account listed on the left, select it and uncheck Send Mail Items.

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