How to hyperlink to a specific page of an PDF file from MS Word 2007 using VBA/VB 6.0



Hello All:

From MS word 2007, want to Hyperlink to the specific page of an PDF fil
but it always opens the first page of the PDF file

StrLocationFileNm = TxtPDFFile.Text & "#page=5"
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range
Address:=StrLocationFileNm, SubAddress:="", ScreenTip:="", _
TextToDisplay:="Read More..."

Attached it the code that is not working. If someone can help me wit
making it work

Code Working Prerequisite: VB 6.0
Open word document. Place your cursor where you want the hyperlink tex
"Read More..." to appear.
Execute the application, Select "Hyperlink" menu, Select the PDF fil
and its page number to be hyperlinked.
Then click on "Link" button.
In the word document the link "Read More..." will appear that shoul
open the PDF file at specific location but it open the PDF file at firs

page (Page# 1) always

Thank you for your valuable time and help



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