Andrew St-Johnston
I have created an address label for Mail Merge. Becasue I wish the City and
Post Code to be bold I have created an address block by inserting all the
relevant fields. It works perfectly. However becasue a small % of the
mailings are going outside the country the last field is "Country". I do not
want it to print out if the country is "United Kingdom". I can see how to do
this if I use AddressBlock but I do not know how to get at the fields within
AddressBlock to change their properties. Just to complicate things my default
country for Word is USA. I know I can work around the problem by doing a Find
and Replace once the mereg is completed but I'm idle and want to automate it.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Post Code to be bold I have created an address block by inserting all the
relevant fields. It works perfectly. However becasue a small % of the
mailings are going outside the country the last field is "Country". I do not
want it to print out if the country is "United Kingdom". I can see how to do
this if I use AddressBlock but I do not know how to get at the fields within
AddressBlock to change their properties. Just to complicate things my default
country for Word is USA. I know I can work around the problem by doing a Find
and Replace once the mereg is completed but I'm idle and want to automate it.
Any help would be much appreciated.