I've searched the forum, and everyone seems to have already been able t
bring their old Eudora files into Outlook. I am now trying to do thi
but cannot figure out how. I'm not even sure exactly where to find m
Eudora files, much less get them over to Outlook 2007.
Can someone help me here. My hard drive crashed last Friday and I hav
rebuilt a new one except for my email program. I have been usin
Thunderbird temporarily, but I really don't like it. My Eudora file
are saved to a hard drive and Thunderbird imported them with n
problem. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to get them int
OUtlook 2007.
Candee Lynn Wilso
bring their old Eudora files into Outlook. I am now trying to do thi
but cannot figure out how. I'm not even sure exactly where to find m
Eudora files, much less get them over to Outlook 2007.
Can someone help me here. My hard drive crashed last Friday and I hav
rebuilt a new one except for my email program. I have been usin
Thunderbird temporarily, but I really don't like it. My Eudora file
are saved to a hard drive and Thunderbird imported them with n
problem. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to get them int
OUtlook 2007.
Candee Lynn Wilso