Should work fine, no doubt, but you would have to cope with as many ini or
txt files as favorites entries, or have I missed the point ?
Maybe we could have a look at Netscape, if I remember well it aggregates
favorites into a sole file (txt or html?)
Well nothing against IE, just a reminiscence (and nostalgy) of what was the
first internet browser ever.
Strange, there is not even a conversion tool though there are so many
dedicated to mail address migration.
Maybe part of next Office Suite (12)?
Please post in the newgroup.
John Nurick said:
That's much too simple, Doug! I was looking at the HTML (or near-HTML)
file you get when you export favourites from IE.
Actually, there's no HTML to parse with IE bookmarks, John: the bookmark is
like an INI file. For instance, here's the content of my shortcut to MSDN
Advanced Search:
I haven't tested, but you should be able to Dir to retrieve the bookmarks
(the file extension is .url), and then use GetPrivateProfileString to read