What version of Entourage are you using? If you have Entourage 2004 or
Entourage 2008, make sure that you've applied the latest updates by going to
Help > Check for Updates. Once you've done that, go to Entourage >
Preferences. Under "Sync Services", make sure that the option to option to
"Synchronize eventsŠ" is checked, and click OK. Then, data in iCal should
be imported to Entourage. This is actually a synchronization, so you may be
prompted to deal with duplicated. Once you're done, you can uncheck that
same option to "disconnect" the two calendars; otherwise, data entered in
either one will appear in both programs.
If you have Entourage 2004, you can also check out Paul Berkowitz's "Sync
Entourage-iCal" script.