How to import project files into project server 2007


Andrew Sampson

I've been trying to do a basic project file import for the last few hours,
and the only things that seem to come over are resources that are not of any
use and I can't find a way to delete them. I would like to be able to import
a project file from Project Pro 2007 into Project server 2007 and see the
file under projects in PWA. Do I need a resource for every record? Do I
need to specify the field names to import? They are not available as
choices. Prjoect creates a file, but it does not seem to flow over to the
server. If there's anyone out there who knows how to do this, please send
some suggestions my way because I have officially hit the definition of

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andrew --

To properly import a project, you should use the Import Project Wizard by
clicking Tools - Enterprise Options - Import Project to Enterprise. The
wizard will walk you through a series of steps to make sure that your
project conforms to your organization's standards for resource, task,
calendar, and project information. To make the project visible in PWA, you
must publish the project using File - Publish. From the sound of your
questions, I strongly suspect you are a "newbie" with this software. If
this is the case, you might want to consider purchasing our Managing
Enterprise Projects... book at:

The book will spare you the frustration you are currently experiencing, and
will teach you tons of best practices for using Project Server 2007. Hope
this helps.

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