Andrew Sampson
I've been trying to do a basic project file import for the last few hours,
and the only things that seem to come over are resources that are not of any
use and I can't find a way to delete them. I would like to be able to import
a project file from Project Pro 2007 into Project server 2007 and see the
file under projects in PWA. Do I need a resource for every record? Do I
need to specify the field names to import? They are not available as
choices. Prjoect creates a file, but it does not seem to flow over to the
server. If there's anyone out there who knows how to do this, please send
some suggestions my way because I have officially hit the definition of
and the only things that seem to come over are resources that are not of any
use and I can't find a way to delete them. I would like to be able to import
a project file from Project Pro 2007 into Project server 2007 and see the
file under projects in PWA. Do I need a resource for every record? Do I
need to specify the field names to import? They are not available as
choices. Prjoect creates a file, but it does not seem to flow over to the
server. If there's anyone out there who knows how to do this, please send
some suggestions my way because I have officially hit the definition of