How to include many figures?



Dear All;

I am using the Word 2000 and to include one figure I use to do
include>figure>from file

It works well, but I m able to insert only one figure per time.

My question is: Is there a way to include more then one figure per time>

For ex: I have ten figures and I want to include all then in only time.

Is there a better way to do it?
Thanks in advance.

Tom Conrad

You can insert multiple figures from different files simultaneoly.
click the insert menu, select picture from file.
The insert picture dialog box should show a list of file names or icons.
If you hold down the shift key and use the mouse you can select a block of
If you hold down the ctrl key when you click on a filename, you can select
multiple filenames. Word will import the pictures and insert them into your
document according to your default settings.

This method while quick can end up layering pictures on top of pictures, or
it can create a page per picture.

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