How to increase the shading when highlighting mult. rows w/ mouse



In the Excel 2007 (which I've been using for six months and absolutely hate)
how can you increase the contrast when highlighting multiple cells on a
worksheet. If the cells aren't contiguous there is no way to see which cells
have been chosen since they appear the same as the unhighlighted cells. Same
goes for highlighting multiple tabs in a worksheet. The graphical user
interface of 2007 is terrible, this feature makes it even worse (if that's
possible!). I mean, seriously, who designed this new Excel? At least the
option should be given to use the old interface.


It is a real pain this one. I hope they're going to put this right in
service pack soon. In the interim, I wrote a couple of macros t
add/remove a background picture (the so-called picture being a just
small file of one colour - attached (it could be even smaller I think
even 1 pixel, but that slows down the refreshing of the screen).
I put this in Personal.xlsb:
Sub AddYellowBackgroundPicture()
answer = MsgBox("Add a background picture to ALL sheets in the Activ
workbook? ('No' for just the active sheet)", vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case answer
Case vbCancel: Exit Sub
Case vbYes
For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
'sht.SetBackgroundPicture Filename:=""
sht.SetBackgroundPicture Filename:="C:\Documents an
Next sht
Case vbNo: ActiveSheet.SetBackgroundPicture Filename:="C:\Document
and Settings\aname\yellow.bmp"
End Select
End Sub
Sub DeleteBackgroundPicture()
answer = MsgBox("Remove background picture from ALL sheets in th
Active workbook? ('No' for just the active sheet)", vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case answer
Case vbCancel: Exit Sub
Case vbYes
For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
sht.SetBackgroundPicture Filename:=""
Next sht
Case vbNo: ActiveSheet.SetBackgroundPicture Filename:=""
End Select
End Sub
Amend the path of the file to where you put it in the code
of course.
You might be able to find a different colour to work better, but thi
allows me to see multiple area selections well enough

|Filename: yellow.bmp

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